Impact Measurement & Management (IMM) Experts Sharing Luncheon

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Together with Cachep Hub by Dear Our Community, Aspen Network of Development Entrepreneurs (ANDE), Impact Link Asia hosted a sharing luncheon on impact measurement and management.

How can we effectively measure impact in an evolving world?

We were delighted to host a diverse group of impact practitioners, including impact consultants, NGO leaders, impact entrepreneurs, corporate sustainability professionals, climate fund representatives, academia, and government officials. This dynamic mix of participants ensured vibrant and fruitful discussions throughout the luncheon.

At the luncheon, we heard from Thao Lam, CEO of Impact Link Asia, who shared her expertise on impact evidence evaluations. We also heard from Mallory St. Claire, Impact Manager at ANDE, who offered practical insights into climate impact measurement metrics.

Key Takeaways

Expanding IMM Beyond Outputs

💡In climate business and investing, IMM should not stop at focusing solely on output-level data and assuming outcomes. While forecasting processes may accept such assumptions, evaluations should expand broader social components and focus on “real change” to paint a fuller picture of impact.

Beyond Climate Mitigation

💡While climate mitigation is relatively easier to measure with clear indicators and KPIs, effective climate solutions must address adaptation and resilience. These aspects present more complex IMM challenges, requiring the integration of social impacts into metrics to capture the full scope of change.

From Intended Impact to Theory of Change

💡Defining the “intended impact” involves identifying the WHO (beneficiaries), WHERE, and WHAT, while the “Theory of Change” outlines HOW the intended impact will be achieved. This systematic framework is foundational for designing the logic through which businesses or organizations create meaningful impact, whether in environmental or societal outcomes.

A big thank you to the speakers, partners, and all participants for making this event truly impactful 🌹

We look forward to welcoming you to our future gatherings and discussions on exciting new topics.

How rigorous is your impact evaluations?