How the MCA is Catalyzing Growth and Innovation at E-Green Technology, a pioneer in Vietnam’s biogas industry?

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Impact Link Asia’s team at E-Green Technology Office in Hanoi (August 2024)

As an agricultural country, Vietnam has tremendous potential for developing biogas in the animal husbandry industry. Traditional farming practices contribute heavily to environmental pollution, highlighting the need for innovative solutions. However, building a biogas plant is rather expensive when compared to the typical income of rural communities. Many biogas facilities often run at poor efficiencies and technical standards.

The Mission

Founded in 2017 by a group of engineers from Hanoi University of Science and Technology, E-Green Technology is a Vietnamese private company specializing in providing biogas solutions with a focus on supporting the livestock industry to address the urgent need for innovative biogas generators to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from Vietnam’s agricultural sector.

E-Green first tested two biogas systems for livestock farms in Hanoi and Nam Dinh. Its technology is estimated to help farms save at least 50% on electricity costs and recover their investment within two years (MTDT, 2022).

The Challenge

Over the years, E-Green have found many successes and established themselves as a pioneer in biogas technology. They are now identified as being in the Adolescence stage of its business cycle, which means that the company is rapidly ramping up operations. To support this growth, it is essential to analyze their organizational infrastructure and capacity to prepare for their evolving needs.

To tackle this challenge, E-Green turns to Impact Link Asia’s Mission Capacity Assessment (MCA) to help create strategic action plans and connections with impact-focused investors.

The Result

After a full analysis, one of the key aspects that E-Green identified was team capacity building. The MCA supported this effort by hosting focused training sessions for E-Green employees to discuss the efficiency and effectiveness of their operational processes.

Impact Link Asia facilitated an internal training workshop with E-Green Technology (August 2024)

By focusing on employee’s capacity building, organizations can vastly improve cost-effectiveness and achieve better operational efficiency.

Through these targeted initiatives, the MCA helps empower E-Green to confidently scale their operations, broaden their impact, and reinforce their commitment to sustainability.

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